Thursday, May 24, 2012

Snugget hates... RADISHES!

So this is a little away from the norm (i.e. Snugget loves...) but this issue has to be addressed. Radishes are evil.  Not only are they small and deceitfully spicy, but they can grow as big as your head, move around and look at you!  Yeeeeah, that's right! Potatoes aren't the only things with "eyes".

This was found online so other people believe radishes are evil too!  I mean, look at it!

The first radish Snugget saw was in his hotel bathroom, hogging his shower:

You can't see the eyes in that photo, but believe me, they are there! It just hasn't turned around yet.

So in the future, say "no" to radishes, or you may make a little pug dog cry...

This has been a public service message.

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